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Saturday, April 6, 2013

Back In The Saddle Again!

 It seems like its been many moons since I've last posted--I'm so sorry!  I've been busy with a lot of life changes and transitions, but the good new is that I'm starting to settle in.  And that means (cue drum roll) I should have more time for creative projects and blogging!  Hooray!

Today I'm featuring one of my Journaling Eucharisteo books.  This isn't a new product to those of you who know me, but today marks the first time I've offered them in my Etsy shop.  I'm excited to reach more people through Etsy with this product.  And not only am I offering a new product on Etsy, I'm trying a new photography look!  If you've kept track of me at all over the past months, you know that I don't own a camera (um, can we say "challenging"?!).  In the past I've gotten around this by scanning in cover images, or trying to use my computer camera with limited success.  While I don't have an actual camera yet, I do have a brand new iPad mini that takes better pictures than my elderly MacBook.  Oh my goodness, is it possible I'm almost catching up to technology?  That's probably an exaggeration, but it's progress in my book!

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