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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Wise Word Wednesday: Ann Voskamp

"You’re the one in dire need of time, that thing we can’t buy, what we sell of ourselves to get more of what we think we want, what we sacrifice to seemingly gain.  They say time is money, but that’s not true.  Time is life.  And if I want the fullest life, I need to find fullest time….
God gives us time.  And who has time for God?
Which makes no sense.
In Christ, don’t we have everlasting existence?  Don’t Christians have all the time in eternity, life everlasting?  If Christians run out of time—wouldn’t we lose our very own existence?  If anyone should have time, isn’t it the Christ-followers? 
“We are merely moving shadows, and all our busy rushing end in nothing” (Psalm 39:6).


In a world addicted to speed, I blur the moments into one unholy smear.
The hurry makes us hurt.
And maybe it is the hurt that drives us on?  For all our frenzied running seemingly toward something, could it be that we are in fact fleeing—desperate to escape pain that pursues?
I speak it to God:  I don’t really want more time; I just want enough time. 
I just want time to do my one life well."

~Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts, p. 64-68

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